San Juan Del Sur Real Estate

San Juan del Sur real estate is quickly turning into a focal point for international investors for numerous reasons. A principle reason is value. Even though there has been stable and substantive growth in the value of land ownership, San Juan del Sur property continues to offer a reasonably modest price tag when measure against property in other up and coming vacation, tourism and retirement hotspots around the world.

For those who are contemplating investing in Nicaragua property youought to look at land in and around San Juan del Sur. The pacific coast of Nicaragua is on the verge of a real estate boom. For the past decade property values ​​in this area have consistently increased year after year due to the ever increasing amount of tourism.

San Juan del Sur has become an attraction for surfers worldwide with thousands of tourists now making it their annual family vacation destination. San Juan del Sur is unhurried, unassuming, yet shining with life and friendly locales. For a long time this area was a hideaway for locals but it was a paradise too good to be kept secret. Intrepid tourist soon found the beauty of this quaint fishing village and after years of word-of-mouth and favorable news reports it has developed into a very popular family vacation destination.

Another reason San Juan del Sur has grown into a popular retirement location due to the democratically elected Nicaraguan government enacting laws and regulations which support investment by foreigners. As a result there are virtually no legal obstacles to foreign ownership of land. Nicaragua has passed very liberal tourism encouragement laws to encourage foreign retirees and businesses to relocate to their country.

One such law excludes foreigners who establish new businesses in Nicaragua from paying income or property taxes for up to ten years. Yes, you heard that correctly: a decade of tax free business income for foreign investors.

Another such law is Nicaragua's foreign retiree incentive program in which you only need to be 45 years old or older, and have $ 400 or more income per month, and you will qualify for special retiree tax incentives where you owe absolutely no taxes on your out- of-country income such as business income, or retirement and social security benefits.

Consequently, investing in San Juan del Sur property has become fashionable with Americans who want to get more land for their retirement dollar.

Source by Carl Goff